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Interviews done by Maysea Hovander

This interview was conducted by Maysea Hovander with the interviewee Amanda Martins. She is currently a freshman at Washington State University and is majoring in Communications and minoring in Spanish. She goes over many of her personal experiences with mental health and connects them to our society and what the future of mental health is.


Zach Ediger is currently a senior is high school, committed to Everett Community College for baseball. He also explains his personal experiences with mental health, as well as his ideas of solutions and why it is so important. To the right is a transcript of our conversation.

My name is Zachary Ediger, and I am a NLI commit to Everett Community College. I play baseball, lift, and I am invested in pop culture. 

-How has mental health impacted your life?

I have grown up battling an anxiety disorder. It is something that has affected me in relationships, friendships, and many more aspects of my life. 

-Why do you think certain groups are disproportionately affected by poor mental health?

Because of the overwhelming expectations  set by other people, or even themselves.

-Do you think mental health is getting the attention and care it deserves in today’s society?

Yes, I believe it is getting the attention it needs. Although, the treatment and solutions could be better.

What would you want to change to help improve mental health?

Making counseling more accessible, and not seeing it as a disease and more as a trait. 

Who is at risk for poor mental health?

Students of any kind, 9-5 employees, and people with drug addiction

How do we promote good mental health?

Positivity through every form of media. 

What are mental health studies that you believe are effective?  


Why is emotional health important? 

Because it is how people communicate.

What are some potential steps to help our emotional health? 

Being more aware of how people feel at certain times

What is the future of mental health?

All of the previous things like therapy, awareness, and finding solutions all are the future of mental health, and finding more of them.

Keliah Chaney


Minor(s): Criminal Justice 


How has mental health impacted your life?

  • Mental health has affected my life in a lot of different ways throughout my life. I feel like to the best of my ability I have always been very open and transparent with my friends and family. Having healthy relationships in recent years has impacted my life in many positive lights. Having people around you who want to support and grow with you I have found to be very comforting in times of stress or uncomfortable feelings. 


Why do you think certain groups are disproportionately affected by poor mental health?

  • I do believe that who you surround yourself around affects your mental and physical health. It is very easy to fall into behaviors that can negatively affect your mental health. Growing up going to many different schools (8 exactly), I have learned to adapt to the different groups and have been around my share of people given the amount of times I was switched around. I always struggled finding my people in life and never had a sense of grounding and in highschool fell into a crowd of people I shouldnt have. The group had toxic behaviors and created manipulative actions which created a toll on my mental health. But from having that experience it has made me appreciate the healthy relationships I have grown and created a place where I can be who I really want to be not who I was trying to be.

Do you think mental health is getting the attention and care it deserves in today’s society?

  • No, I think to some extent we do a good job and relaying that mental health is prevalent but I do not think we do as much as we should for people who struggle with mental illnesses. A Lot of people probably know that mental health is important but there are definitely ways that we can share that knowledgeable information in more depth for those who might need it.


What would you want to change to help improve mental health?

  • Well, I want to be a clinical psychologist in the future. I really want to go into the therapy that helps at-risk teens or adults who have gone through traumatic experiences that change their lives. THere are so many people that just need the right person or someone to help them and not enough people are out there to help everyone. I think that mental health is so important and people have to pay so much sometimes just to live a happy life. I think that finding ways to reduce medical care would be so important but of course 


Who is at risk for poor mental health?

  • Well honestly, everyone. With this whole pandemic and the year, poor mental health in the U.S has been skyrocketing because of the numerous drastic changes that have been happening. 


How do we promote good mental health?

  • LOVE YOURSELF confidence and love and happiness is radiating to others and it really can go so far. Empowering others to make them feel worth it also can change someone's day or even life. Take care of yourself and be kind to others because at the end of the day we don't know what someone is going through and this year has been crazy so being understanding and non judgemental is crucial not only to make yourself feel better but the people who you surround. Another point on the other said of this point is to validate yourself and others feelings. For many people they feel like they have to be perfect and happy all the time because of our society but its important to remind others and yourself that being upset is okay and crying is okay. Having negative emotions are necessary to feel good ones because you wouldn't know one without the other. 

What are mental health studies that you believe are effective?  (meds/therapy/psychedelics) 

  • This year or semester itself has been pretty tough for me in alot of different parts of my life and getting on medications I have found to be very helpful. Although there are many controversies on antidepressants ect I have found personally that it has helped me find my grounding and feel at peace with all the chaos that was going on. Therapy is also something that I highly advocate for. Therapy has helped so many people in my life and honestly what better way to get advice from a professional when it is completely classified and confidential. That whole therapy session is meant to help you! Thera[ists and psychologists work years to help others and are highly qualified. 

Why is emotional health important? 

  • Having good health emotionally is all around amazing for you. Alot of things affect our mental health though so it is SOO important to be patient with yourself and have self awareness. Being aware of your feelings and thoughts are so important in regard to your mental health because if you don't know your own body its hard to find the reasons to why you feel or act certain ways.

What are some potential steps to help our emotional health? 

  • I think there are different way people cope with their feeling but overall talking about it is the most important. Talking things out not only comfort you at times but it also helps you rationalize situations that could be going through your head in a negative outlook


What is the future of mental health?

  • I think there are so many people that are working towards helping those with mental health issues and that we have a good chance of having a positive increase in mental health/awareness


Keliah Chaney was the final person  interviewed. While taking the route of interviewing youth with personal mental health experiences, Keliah offered an interesting perspective as a sophomore college student majoring in psychology, and on the pathway of learning and becoming an expert in things like mental health as she plans to become a clinical psychologist with teens and adults. As with Amanda and Zach, she too believes that mental health is a work in progress, and it is on the way upwards. To the left is her main ideas and beliefs surrounding mental and emotional health. 


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