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Interviews done by D'Aujinae Williams

Someone who participated in protests this summer 


This individual is a youth worker who works with the city of seattle to ensure that our youth programs are up to date and are great for the kids. Also she plans on going back to school to study in something major. She currently does hair and maintains babysitting while working. This individual loves giving back as much as she can to her community. D'Aujinae conducted an interview with her and gave a summary and description of what she said.

















Her time during the protest was Interesting she used that terminology because it was powerful in a way due to a lot of people coming but she felt that it was more of Caucasian people than black people. But she does like how they came and supported. She felt that people didn’t really know what to protest, they were there to just be there. She felt if you were there for the right reason it would be more powerful for your experience. She felt that this wasn’t more of civil fare it was more of an optional movement. This connects to mental health because African americans are going through a drastic time that we thought was over with. But this cycle of racial discrimantion towards colors during the protests were very impactful. 

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An essential worker


















Ms.Brown has worked for king county for about 20 years giving back to her community dealing with different types of individuals, meeting new people,  and developing new relationships. She has 3 children that she loves dearly and cares for. She plans on changing her profession to try and explore her different techniques.




As an essential worker she stated how it has its difficult times as a metro bus driver. Some things she finds that are difficult are the fact that there was no protection for bus drivers from the passengers. She stated that recently they added in a plastic guard but that still doesn’t protect her from still being exposed to the virus. Also being an essential worker it comes with more rude passengers because there are certain protocols the workers have to take for everyone’s safety on the bus. For instance every passenger has to enter with a mask or they aren’t allowed on the bus and that starts to spike issues because there are only 12 passengers allowed per bus. Being an essential worker impacts your mental health in ways that aren't drastically affecting you but you're always worried about contracting the disease, or always being on edge. It causes panic because you automatically think you have this virus.



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