Interview done by Maira Cortez- Ferrer
Maira interviewed Amanda Cantu, a student at Central Washington University studying to become a clinical psychologist. She offered more insight as a college student with statistics and connected it to many mental illnesses, and her future profession.
How does mental health impact one's life?
Why do you think certain groups are disproportionally affected by poor mental health?
Do you think mental health is getting the attention and care it deserves in today's society?
What would you want to change to help impact mental health?
Who is at risk for poor mental health?
How do we promote good mental health?
What are mental health studies that you believe are effective? (medicine/therapy/psychedelics)
Why is emotional health important?
It is important to know that mental health impacts people at different levels as people have different thought processes and feel emotions differently. The way one feels about life relies heavily on their mental health state because it affects the way we perceive other people and situations. Low mental health can become significantly intense toward individual develops and mental illness. For example, individuals with low positive mental health may become distant to the people they love and lose interest in activities they once thought were interesting. The sleeping habits and eating habits may change as well. This individual needs to seek professional help from professional services to increase your mental health because of how they no longer see positivity in life; some would say it's like an uncrawlable black hole. If this person does not seek out they are likely to develop major depressive disorder (if their behavior continues) Isaiah displaying the common symptoms. On the other hand, an individual who has positive mental health will engage with their loved ones, have motivation, and continue with the activities that make them happy. There are individuals who have moments of health and hide their symptoms, but they can have a similar outlook on life as an individual who displays symptoms. From this, you can see two contrasting perceptions to life that depends on the state of once mental health
There are many factors of wisdom that populations are affected disproportionately with permanent health. One factor that I strongly side with is a waste and populations are treated in society. Members of communities hold stereotypical beliefs and prejudice thinking towards certain minority groups. It is well known in the study of psychology, specifically multicultural psychology, that depression has a higher prevalence rate and Hispanic community with 10.8% and the average in American communities 8.9% (stats may vary from source). Went stereotypical beliefs or racial slurs are applied to members of minority groups, such as, all Spanish members are unintelligent and drug users, well negatively impact mental health. This also happens with the model minority myth (minority demographic whose members are perceived to achieve a higher degree of socioeconomic success than the population average, thus serving as a reference group to outgroups) is held against Asian Americans, Korean Americans, and Japanese-American. The expectation can become too much to handle, or some individuals and not see themselves on lining with the model minority because they want something different for their life. Cultural perception towards mental health is also another reason why student populations are affected. Some minority groups believe that mental health is not impact live at an intense level. In result, this prohibits ability to seek help, and identifies discussing mental health as a taboo.
Unfortunately, I did not think mental health is getting the intention and care it deserves in today's society. You would think that with generation z's application of total acceptance would help into helping the attention it needs, but there has been no change. Most people ignore the mental health problem and choose to go on with life because of the view that mental health and mental illness " are not real " when in fact, it is real on the way that it causes dysfunction and intense to stress. There is still a great need and demand for professionals in the mental health realm and the creation of more mental health facilities. One fact in my abnormal psychology course that made me feel distraught is at a study conducted in 1977 found that people are more okay with having a neighbor that has schizophrenia compared to a replicate study in 2012. The stigma associative mental health amounted illness is very well alive in society
To help improvement to help, I would like to eliminate the stigma that surrounds mental health and mental illness. It is hiring me to hear stories of individuals suffer from mental illness or seeking help to eat in their mental health are verbally and physically assaulted everyday. To accomplish this, I would want to educate people about what the world looks like to those who are improving their mental health or are receiving treatment for their mental illness. I want to spread awareness and empathy to those who see mental health as an issue that is not of importance. On the contrary, it is an important issue as it should not be okay or accepted by society for a group of kids to physically and verbally abuse another child who has autism (story for my abnormal psychology text).
Populations that are at risk for performance of health are the ethanol racial and sexual minority groups because of the application of stereotypical beliefs, prejudices, and racism. Each of these factors negatively impacts mental health of an individual who is part of a disadvantaged / minority group. Their differences that make them a unique being are held against them every day and are often told that they should be ashamed of being who they are. It creates conflicting issues with within oneself that alters mental health. imagine being told that your identity is wrong and disgusting, but what is actually wrong and disgusting is the creation of pain for another person because of how they choose to accept their identities.
There are various ways in which individuals can promote good mental health. One way to empathize and listen to the people around you and to not hold yourself schemas (your judgment, worldview, and biases) to other individuals. Make people feel comfortable and accepted, being able to relax and be oneself with other people allows the mind to be at a resting state with no stress. Educate other people and yourself with tips that can help with your mental health quality. To promote good mental health in yourself, engage in activities that you enjoy as your mind is at peace doing something that enjoys the most. Be with people who bring out the best in you and do not cause you to feel conflicted with yourself; you want to be with people who make you feel appreciated, happy, and calm. By motivation your daily activities so that you can accomplish your task, such as, reminding yourself that you want to go for a walk/run outside so you can enjoy the sunlight and receive cardiovascular exercise
This is a tough question as are are a myriad I mental health studies that are effective. I believe that all empirically based research is important to mental health, including the research that rejects the stated hypothesis. If the research method (i.e. quasi-experiment, experimental, correlational, observational) is it appropriate to answer the research question and utilizes the correct hypothesis testing, then it is important to apply to mental health. For example, mental health counseling, counselors want to apply theories that match their strengths but that are also proven to deliver effective counseling. I find myself utilizing Carl Rogers humanistic approach a person-centered therapy in the future as I want to guide, not direct, clients development to achieve their goals. The techniques of person-centered therapy are for individuals who want to be more self-confident, build relationships, build self-trust and decision-making abilities, and develop a strong sense of identity. I know this technique applies to these certain individuals because of the studies that display evidence of effectiveness of this technique to that population. This is not mean of other forms of therapy are not effective. Other forms of therapy, such as Freud's psychoanalyst approach and Adler's individual psychology, are just as effective as any form of therapy because, with research, they are proven to help individuals with certain psychological problems
Emotional health is important because it connects to overall health. Emotionally healthy people are able to cope with a challenges and obstacles in life. They also can control their thoughts, feelings, and emotions to resile from setbacks. Emotional health helps to increase resilience to stress,which we know impacts our immune system, deep in relationships because one is able to connect with others through compassion and empathy, develop higher self - esteem, and promotes more energy to focus on tasks